A new Story

2013 April 09

Created by Sudhir 11 years ago
Sudhirannayya, thanks for taking time from your busy schedule to create this web site. Every time I think about father , I have nothing but very fond memories of him, Growing up as a child, never did I see him loose his patience or get angry at anyone , never a harsh word so kind and caring person! Genius , yet so humble, always willing to give, but never expecting anything in return, kind and respectful to everyone , yet very forgiving if he did not recieve the same from others, Always saw good in other people. There is so much more i would like to say, can't find the right words, The most I admire about him - his calmess, how he always was like in the "EYE OF THE HURRICANE", no matter what the situation was. He only saw beauty and good around him-because thats what he was. I am very fortunate to be born as his daughter. Latha Nancherla